Soul calibur 5 characters with name
Soul calibur 5 characters with name

Sharp-Dressed Man: As seen in his IV ending.Resurrective Immortality: Zasalamel masterminded the events of III for the express purpose of curing himself of this.One-Winged Angel: Undergoes one in III, becoming Abyss, although IV retconned it out of existence.This also fits with him originally being a member of Algol's cult, who is himself inspired by the hero king Gilgamesh, and therefore likely originates from the pre-Babylonian (occupying the same region) Sumerian civilization. The Middle East: It's likely he may originally be Babylonian, judging by the names of his attacks being named after figures of Babylonian myth and legend: Ereshkigal, Nergal, Shamash, Tiamat, etc.Master of Illusion: In IV, his encounters with Siegfried, Kilik, and Algol has Zasalamel create illusory copies of people dear to those characters (Siegfried's father Frederick, Kilik's adoptive sister Xianglian, and Algol's son Arcturus) just to spite them for no reason.

soul calibur 5 characters with name

  • In the Hood: His primary and secondary attires in III and IV, respectively.
  • Fan Nickname: His name is often shortened to just "Zas".
  • It apparently contains his soul and stays with him throughout all of his incarnations.
  • Cursed with Awesome: His Reincarnation ability.
  • He ditches the hood, but gets a pimped-out magician's robe instead.
  • Costume Porn: His primary outfit in IV.
  • Zasalamel now seeks to use the swords to gain true immortality instead of reincarnation to make his dream a reality. Amazed by humanity's accomplishments, and wanting to see this vision come to pass, he stops the process and the two swords disappear. Zasalamel succeeds in obtaining the two swords in Soulcalibur IV, but during the ritual he witnesses a vision of the modern world. Believing his immortality to be a curse, Zasalamel decided to use the energies of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur so that he could finally die forever. It seemed awesome at the time, but a few centuries of constant resurrection and death took its toll and he fell into depression, losing the joy of living as every death he suffered became more painful over the years. Some time afterward, he discovered the secret of immortality, and through the use of arcane magic gained the ability to reincarnate himself. He was eventually exiled, however, when he went against the cult's strict orders to never use the spirit sword in times of war. Zasalamel was originally a member of an ancient tribe: a sect of Algol's cult that guarded Soul Calibur. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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    Soul calibur 5 characters with name